Who we are

The IVS movement

International Voluntary Service (IVS) has since 1920 sought to respond to the prevalent issues of society on a local and global level, it aims to pursue peace, global solidarity and social justice, by promoting non violence through international understanding, mutual respect, friendship, exchange and cooperation among the people of the world.

Our Members Worldwide

CCIVS brings together 188 international and national organisations in 79 locations all over the world which actively engage in grassroots community-based projects and include the participation of over 30.000 volunteers per year

Links to the United Nations system

CCIVS is in official partnership with UNESCO – associate status and is actively involved in the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee. It holds liaison status with the FAO and special consultative status with the ECOSOC. 
CCIVS was awarded the title ‘Messenger of Peace’ in 1987 by UN UN Secretary General, Perez de Cuellar. 

If you have come here to help me
You are waisting your time.
But if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine,
then let us work together.

Aboriginal activist group, Queensland, 1970s

What we do

CCIVS in Action

CCIVS actions include advocacy and networking, capacity building and training, UN cooperation projects, impact measurement and quality improvement…

CCIVS Campaign – Living Earth

CCIVS coordinates the Living Earth Campaign (LIVE), it  focuses on what it means to live a peaceful and harmonious existence on Earth and respect towards the Earth as a living being…

CCIVS Impact Measurement

CCIVS impact research and assessment work is centered on the notion of change, with the three key objectives of better understanding, improving and valorising the effects of International Voluntary Service on the participants, communities and organisations involved…

Read the CCIVS Impact Report 2010-2020 (see impact report)

Read the CCIVS Strategic Plan 2022-27

Read the CCIVS Activity Report 2020-2022

Latest CCIVS News


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