Exploring ‘The Hidden Power of Memes’: Master Class Series on Racism and Discrimination with Javier Larios

During the Master Class Series on Racism and Discrimination, which took place on March 21st at the UNESCO headquarters, a workshop titled “The Hidden Power of Memes” was conducted for 20 young students aged 12 to 17. The objective of this workshop was to educate and empower students in identifying and raising awareness about racism and discrimination through the use of memes. The workshop was facilitated by Javier Larios, former Communications Coordinator for Solidarités Jeunesses.

During the workshop, the students gained a fundamental understanding of the influential role that memes can play. They also learned about concepts related to discrimination, racism, stereotypes, and various forms of discrimination. Additionally, they were taught how to recognize discriminatory messages and the concept of privilege, and how these factors can impact both their lives and the lives of others. To illustrate the concept of privilege, an adapted version of the privilege walk activity was used, providing an engaging and enjoyable learning experience.

Furthermore, the students enthusiastically participated in the #antiracist campaign and created a total of nine memes. The workshop provided a safe and inclusive space for students to openly discuss issues related to racism and discrimination.