
STEP to Change, Impact: the Community Report

Title: STEP to Change, Impact: the Community report Publisher: CCIVS Type: Project report Theme: Outdoor and Experiential Learning – workcamps Related project: Step to the Future Format: PDF

Volunteer Tourism: Yet another form of “Othering”?

Title: Volunteer Tourism: Yet another form of “Othering”? Publisher: Wageningen University Environmental Sciences Type: Publication Theme: Outdoor and Experiential Learning – workcamps Short Description: International Voluntary Services/Volunteer tourism has developed as part of the broad development agenda and the ever changing global structure. The end of Colonisation marked the beginning of new relationships of ex colonies and the Northern Countries. …

Volunteer Tourism: Yet another form of “Othering”? Read More »

Following the P.A.T.H. measuring change in volunteers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards cultural and natural heritage, and life

Title: Following the P.A.T.H. measuring change in volunteers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards cultural and natural heritage, and life Publisher: CCIVS Type: Project report Theme: Other Related project: PATH Short Description: One of the most popular definitions of impact assessment, given by Rossi, Lipsey and Freeman in Evaluation: A Systemic Approach (2004), reminds us that at the beginning of any research …

Following the P.A.T.H. measuring change in volunteers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes towards cultural and natural heritage, and life Read More »

Just Volunteers [Non Formal] Education for Sustainable Development

Title: Just Volunteers [Non Formal] Education for Sustainable Development Type: Other Theme: Environment & Sustainability Related project: IVS for Climate Justice Short Description: Francesco Volpini Graduate Research Associate, Research Centre for the Local Public Human Resources and Policy Development (LORC), 龍谷大学/ Ryukoku University Speech transcription of the UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development, 17-19 May 2021 Format: PDF

Forum Survey Report – COVID-19 and the Future of Volunteering for Development Volunteers and volunteer involving organisations surveyed for the International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum)

Publisher: Forum Type: Publication Theme: Active Participation & Social Inclusion Short Description: This study reports on the results of two surveys that aimed to explore the experiences of volunteer involving organisations and volunteers with seven international volunteering and cooperation organisations. It addresses three questions about the COVID-19 pandemic: What impact did the pandemic have on VIOs’ programmes? How did …

Forum Survey Report – COVID-19 and the Future of Volunteering for Development Volunteers and volunteer involving organisations surveyed for the International Forum for Volunteering in Development (Forum) Read More »

IVCO 2020 Paper Volunteering for Climate Action: Perspectives from a Survey of Volunteer Involving Organisations

Title: IVCO 2020 Paper Volunteering for Climate Action: Perspectives from a Survey of Volunteer Involving Organisations Publisher: Forum Type: Publication Theme: Environment & Sustainability Short Description: To better understand the current action, gaps, and opportunities for volunteer-involving organisations (VIOs) to tackle climate change, this study reports on the results of a survey of VIOs’ activities and good practice models. Its …

IVCO 2020 Paper Volunteering for Climate Action: Perspectives from a Survey of Volunteer Involving Organisations Read More »

Learning as Peace Work

Title: Learning as Peace Work Publisher: CCIVS Type: Other Theme: Active Participation & Social Inclusion Related project: IVS4Peace Format: PDF

H. Hemamali Perera (Alosha)

General Secretary, Service Civil International (SCI) Hemamali is a Human rights activist and a lawyer. She is the International President (Acting) of Service Civil International (SCI) and since December 2017, an SCI International Executive Committee member. For over 16 years, she has worked for enabling civic space, promotion and protection of human rights, sustainable development, reconciliation, social justice and …

H. Hemamali Perera (Alosha) Read More »

Denis Kangere Asiimwe

Treasurer, UVDA Lead programming UVDA. Over 20 years in development programming with experience in strategy, planning, project management & evaluation. 

Rhenelyn Queen P. Dadulo

EC member, GIED Rhenelyn  Queen  P. Dadulo (Queenie) is the founder and President of Global Initiative Exchange and Development Inc. (GIED) in the Philippines. GIED is a non-government and non-profit organisation advocating for Social Development through International Voluntary Service Exchange and Social development initiatives. Queenie has almost two decades of government service experience as a Senior Youth …

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