Decolonise IVS


Knowledge Hub


Participatory Action Research: guidebook for barefoot researchers July 2023

The PAR Guidebook is a comprehensive resource designed to empower communities and organizations to actively engage in research that directly benefits them. This guidebook offers practical tools and methodologies for conducting research that is collaborative, reflective, and action-oriented. It emphasizes the importance of involving participants at every stage of the research process to ensure that the outcomes are relevant and impactful. Whether you’re new to PAR or looking to deepen your practice, this guidebook provides clear guidance on how to design, implement, and evaluate research projects that drive social change.

Decolonise IVS Organizational Self-Assessment Tool (English Version)

The Decolonise IVS Organizational Self-Assessment Tool is designed to help International Voluntary Service (IVS) organizations critically evaluate and transform their structures and practices in a decolonial sense. This tool encourages reflection on how colonial histories influence current power dynamics within and between organizations. It provides guiding questions and exercises to foster mutual understanding, identify privileges and disadvantages, and promote actions toward reparative justice. The tool is interactive, allowing organizations to engage in bilateral conversations with partners and implement changes that support decolonial practices.

Herramienta de AutoevaluaciĂ³n Organizacional de Decolonise IVS

La Herramienta de AutoevaluaciĂ³n Organizacional de Decolonise IVS estĂ¡ diseñada para ayudar a las organizaciones de Servicio Voluntario Internacional (IVS) a evaluar y transformar crĂ­ticamente sus estructuras y prĂ¡cticas desde una perspectiva decolonial. Esta herramienta fomenta la reflexiĂ³n sobre cĂ³mo las historias coloniales influyen en las dinĂ¡micas de poder actuales dentro de las organizaciones y entre ellas. Ofrece preguntas orientadoras y ejercicios para promover la comprensiĂ³n mutua, identificar privilegios y desventajas, y promover acciones hacia la justicia reparadora. La herramienta es interactiva y permite a las organizaciones entablar conversaciones bilaterales con socios e implementar cambios que apoyen prĂ¡cticas decoloniales.

Outil d’Auto-Ă©valuation Organisationnelle de Decolonise IVS

L’Outil d’Auto-Ă©valuation Organisationnelle de Decolonise IVS est conçu pour aider les organisations de Service Volontaire International (IVS) Ă  Ă©valuer et transformer de manière critique leurs structures et pratiques dans une perspective dĂ©coloniale. Cet outil encourage la rĂ©flexion sur la manière dont les histoires coloniales influencent les dynamiques de pouvoir actuelles au sein et entre les organisations. Il propose des questions directrices et des exercices pour favoriser la comprĂ©hension mutuelle, identifier les privilèges et les dĂ©savantages, et promouvoir des actions vers la justice rĂ©paratrice. L’outil est interactif, permettant aux organisations d’engager des conversations bilatĂ©rales avec des partenaires et de mettre en Å“uvre des changements soutenant des pratiques dĂ©coloniales.

4 step framework to build anti racist organisations

This practical guide developed by BOND, the UK network for organisations working in international development to eradicate poverty, inequality and injustice, shows in a very visual way how to build anti-racial organisations. The framework shares a holistic approach to addressing racism and decolonising the global development sector by focussing on all dimensions of an organisation.

The Power behind good intentions

A toolkit for critical European volunteering organisations and Global Education practitioners.

Anti-racism Toolkit for International Voluntary Service

We encourage all of our future and former volunteers, staff, co-workers, host projects, host families, and wider network to self-educate and take advantage of tools such as this to integrate anti-racism into their work and daily lives. This Toolkit aims to steer all IVS stakeholders within the ICYE Federation to not only advocate for anti-racism but to incorporate this advocacy within their capacity into every aspect of their relation to the IVS movement.

Paquete de Herramientas sobre antirracismo para el servicio de voluntariado internacional

Motivamos a todas y todos nuestros actuales y futuros voluntarias, voluntarios, colegas de trabajo, proyectos anfitriones, familias anfitrionas, y a la red en general, para que se autoeduquen y aprovechen herramientas como esta para integrar el antirracismo en su trabajo y vida diario. Este Paquete de Herramientas busca orientar a todos los grupos de interĂ©s del IVS que pertenecen a la FederaciĂ³n ICYE para que ademĂ¡s de incidir en el antirracismo lo incorporen tambiĂ©n dentro de sus capacidades en cada aspecto de su relaciĂ³n con el movimiento IVS.