Decolonise IVS


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The Decolonise! The project brings together 10 International Voluntary Service organisations who together have engaged in a 2,5 year-long process to better understand the power dynamics and obstacles that are at stake when organising International Voluntary Service projects. While in Europe volunteering is recognised in many countries, outside Europe volunteer organisations often find it difficult to find recognition for the work they do. While many volunteers from the Global North go to the Global South to volunteer, there are very few opportunities for volunteers from the Global South to participate in volunteer programmes abroad, especially in the Global North. 

Building an IVS movement that is more inclusive, diverse and environmentally sustainable is the aim of this project. By challenging existing values, practices and structures the organisations want to come up with innovative proposals that take into account the local realities and a fairer distribution of resources while being conscious about the current climate crisis. 
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Decolonise! Kick-off Meeting

May 23, 2022 | Online

Decolonise! Steering Committee Meeting I

June 15-17, 2022| Germany

Decolonise! Online Dialogue 1 / CCIVS Day 

August 11, 2022 | Online

Decolonise! Online Dialogue 2 

September 22, 2022 | Online

Decolonise! Study Session

October 9-15, 2022 | Austria

Deccolonise! Kick-off meeting 2 

January 31, 2023 | Online

Participatory Action Research Training

February 13-17, 2023 | Belgium

Youth Advocacy Training

February 20-24, 2023 | France

Steering Committee Meeting II

March 27-31, 2023 | Finland

Food for Thoughts Laboratory

July 10-16, 2023 | Italy 

Laboratory to develop Decolonise tools (MOOC and self-assessment tool) 

September 29 – Oct 5, 2023 | Austria 

Social Media Campaign “Climate Colonialism” 

September 2023 | Online

Social Media Campaign “Changing the narrative” 

November 2023 | Online

Hybrid Conference “What can a decolonised IVS look like?” 

November 23rd 2023 | Online & Greece

Steering Committee Meeting III

December 12-18th 2023 | Austria

Advocacy Laboratory to develop a long-term advocacy strategy

February 25/2 – 2/3 2023 | Belgium 

Social Media Campaign “Freedom of Movement” 

March 2024 | Online

Decolonise! Visual Storytelling training

May 5-11th 2024 | Austria

Spanish dissemination event

June 18th 2024 | Online

English dissemination event

July 9th 2024 | Online

Tool fair and networking event

August 7- 13th 2024 | Bulgaria

Project partners

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