Volunteer P.A.T.H Capacity Building Training

Type: Project report
Theme: Cultural Heritage & Diversity
Format: PDF
Publisher: CCIVS
Year: 2017
Short summary:
The "Volunteer P.A.T.H Capacity Building Training" was held from April 6 to April 12, 2017, in Villandraut, France. It focused on enhancing the capabilities of volunteers managing cultural heritage and diversity projects under the International Voluntary Service (IVS). The training aimed to improve youth work quality, foster new partnerships, and support the practical application of heritage management in community projects. Participants from various international voluntary service organizations engaged in workshops and theoretical sessions on tangible and intangible heritage, hands-on practices like archaeology and masonry, and discussed strategies for effective volunteer management. The program also included cultural and educational exchanges to deepen the participants' understanding of heritage conservation and volunteer engagement.