Standing Together Against Racism in Europe: Managing Organisational Change. Tools and Methods to Become a Diversity-Sensitive NGO

Type: Toolkit
Theme: Peace & Human Rights
Format: PDF
Publisher: ICJA
Year: 2020
Short summary:
Publisher: STAR E – Standing Together Against Racism in Europe. A partnership project run from 2017 to 2020 by a consortium of nine partner organisations from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom. Further information at Managing Organisational Change. Tools and Methods to Become a Diversity-Sensitive NGO This handbook contains innovative tools and methods for managing change in organisations working in the field of international volunteer exchange. International volunteer organisations act within the context of increasingly polarised societies having to respond to challenges of growing racism and other forms of discrimination and exclusion. While increasing sensitivity towards discrimination and racism in their outreach programs, international volunteer ex-change organisations also need to mirror this internally. This handbook provides a framework and practical tools to embark on a change process aiming to become a diversity-sensitive or-ganisation. The tools cover the full range: from assessing structural issues, reflecting on collec-tive behaviour and starting difficult conversations to building momentum and following through a vision. The handbook guides organisations through a well-crafted process. Berlin, January 2020 ISBN 978-3-9817490-4-5