Standing Together Against Racism in Europe: A Training Handbook

Type: Toolkit
Theme: Peace & Human Rights
Format: PDF
Publisher: ICJA
Year: 2020
Short summary:
Publisher: STAR E – Standing Together Against Racism in Europe. A partnership project run from 2017 to 2020 by a consortium of nine partner organisations from Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom. Further information at Standing Together Against Racism – A Training Handbook provides concepts and methods to help train and sensitise facilitators, staff, volunteers and participants of youth and voluntary service organisations. The methods enclosed in this handbook do not only facilitate learning and reflection on the roots and symptoms of racism in our society, they also encourage ways of challenging the sometimes hidden racism and underlying discrimination in nonformal education activities run by youth and voluntary service organisations. Equally important are the included methods that aim to empower those who face racist atti-tudes and actions. Written by experts and practitioners for practitioners, this handbook covers methods with a wide variety of topics related to racism: empowerment, microaggression, power dynamics, stereotypes, prejudice, oppression, cultural differences, colonialism, critical thinking, critical whiteness, intolerance and more. Berlin, January 2020 ISBN 978-3-9817490-3-8