UNESCO’s Transforming Mentalities

As the CCIVS Youth Action Officer, Hani presented the impact of International Voluntary Service (IVS) at the Forum “Transforming Mentalities,” organised by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee in collaboration with UNESCO. Invited as a member of the Youth Working Group of the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, Hani contributed to Session 6: Youth Panel – Building a More Positive Future.

During her presentation, Hani shared insights from the CCIVS Impact Report 2010-2020, emphasising how IVS serves as a powerful tool for breaking barriers, fostering cross-cultural understanding, and nurturing a sense of global citizenship among young people. Through tangible examples, she illustrated how IVS acts as a catalyst for personal growth, community development, and international solidarity.

One of the highlights of Hani’s presentation was her firsthand account of her own volunteering experience. She shared anecdotes from her journey, highlighting moments of transformation, connection, and empowerment. Her narrative served as a testament to the profound impact of IVS on individual lives and communities worldwide.
For those who missed the opportunity to witness Hani’s insightful presentation, the Forum “Transforming Mentalities” has made it available for viewing online here.