Think Tank

Enhancing critical thinking in our conversations
The International Think Tank Team offers critical views on the activities of both the project and the participant organisations. The team consists of 7 members who come from different sectors and are not directly involved with the participant organisations. 4 members of the CCIVS Youth Committee join the regularly held online meetings of the Think Tank to make sure the perspective of young people involved in IVS is included in this critical review of the work being done.
Babirye Harriet Kalema – Uganda
Massimo Modesti -Italy
Lorena Schwab – Germany
Anita Venanzi – Italy
Ernesto Chamo – Mozambique
Diana Noemie Chavez – US
Oscar Garcia – Argentina
Hani Nurlina- Indonesia
Pamela Mapedzamombe – Zimbabwe
Daniela L. Corbalan – Argentina
Adil Litos Sadeia – Mozambique