Project Management T-Kit 3
Type: Toolkit
Theme: Other
Format: PDF
Publisher: Council of Europe
Year: 2000
Short summary:
For trainers, youth workers running projects.
This T-Kit should not be seen as a recipe on ‘how to run a project’ but rather as a proposal of a framework that provides the project manager with a concrete ‘step-by-step’ approach, including hints and guidelines for monitoring a project.
The T-Kit has been produced for those who want to develop projects and who are able to refer to their own experiences and own project. It is for:
project managers in charge of developing a project,
trainers helping participants to develop their own projects.
This T-Kit is divided into 4 main chapters moving from general reflections on the value of projects to a very concrete step-by-step development of a project. The four sections can be read independently but are of course interconnected.
Chapter 1 is a general reflection on the role of projects in the development of international youth work and the evolution of the value of projects.
Chapter 2 provides a clarification of what is understood by ‘project management’ in a youth work context as well as presenting a variety of approaches and models of project development.
Chapter 3 proposes a framework to guide the development of youth work projects followed by ‘step-by-step’ explanations. This chapter includes practical advice and concrete suggestions for trainers using project development as a training tool. In order to help you with the transfer to practice, this chapter includes an example of a project applying the step-by-step project development explanations.
Chapter 4 presents some thoughts on the European dimension of projects.