Peace Action Week: The Right to a Healthy Life, Food and Housing

Type: Project report
Theme: Peace & Human Rights
Format: PDF
Publisher: CCIVS
Year: 2015
Short summary:
The Peace Action Week on the Rights to a Healthy life, Food, and Housing occurred in Barcelona from September 4th to 14th, 2015, organized by CCIVS and hosted by the International Civil Service (SCI) Cataluña. This event was the second of three Peace Weeks as part of the Raising Peace global campaign, launched in 2014. The campaign aims to unite International Voluntary Service (IVS) networks, empower volunteers, advocate for human rights, and foster collaboration with civil society organizations for a culture of peace. In 2015, the campaign focused on three Peace Action Weeks, including the one in Barcelona facilitated by Oriol Josa, David Guardia, Gergely Kiss, and Nerissa Latchis. The unique learning experience included accommodation in a historic squat and a building squatted by an anti-eviction movement, reflecting the campaign's theme on the Rights to a Healthy life, Food, and Housing. The text introduces the concept of a Peace Week and sets the stage for the subsequent activity report.