
Testimonials and Impact Stories

“Palestinian Voices” is a short video edited by Hamza Al-Shayeb and presented during the online conference “Palestinian Youth: Challenges and Opportunities”, held by CCIVS on 8 December 2021. It is a collection of contributions received from young people in Palestine, sharing their challenges, their hopes, their lives.

Link to “Palestinian Voices” video

Volunteering in Palestine was an online symposium which took place in 2022.  It aimed to raise awareness of the situation in Palestine, to share insights with the international volunteering community on volunteering in conflict areas, and encourage the public to show concern for the situation of our Palestinian brothers and sisters. Stories from our network of volunteers actively involved in social work with and for the Palestinians were shared and exchanged.

Volunteering in Palestine – An Online Symposium by CCIVS

My experience in the Eco-camp in Palestine

By Cristina Ferret PĂ©rez

A group of international volunteers and I traveled to Al’masara to work alongside local volunteers in an eco resistance camp.
This project constitutes a peaceful act of resistance to the systematic Israeli Illegal occupation over Palestinian territory.
I was able to see firsthand how life is under the Israeli Apartheid regime and how it affects every aspect of Palestinians’ daily lives.
Israel is committing human rights violations on a daily basis, which is forbidden under international law, and the international community has an obligation to act.

It has been a unique learning experience and an enriching cultural immersion where I have been able to expand my knowledge and to delve into thought-provoking topics.
This journey wouldn’t have been the same without the incredible coordinator we had and without all the Palestinian participants. Thank you very much for how you welcomed us and for how well you took care of us. You have made this experience unforgettable!

Shukran and free Palestine!

Link to “My experience in the Eco-camp in Palestine” article