CCIVS was awarded the title ‘Messenger of Peace‘ in 1987 by UN Secretary General, Perez de Cuellar.

The International Voluntary Service Movement (IVS) was born in 1920, after the First World War, as a peace movement, international volunteers worked together with local communities based on their needs. Personal and social bonds were created between people from different origins and cultures, providing the space to learn about non-violent management of conflicts and contributing to the fulfilment of the lives of communities and volunteers.

These three elements were present in the first International Workcamp, organised by Pierre Ceresole in Esne-sur-Argonne, France and they continue to be the main peacebuilding elements of IVS today.
• Intercultural Understanding 
• Active citizenship and community development
• Non-violent conflict management and transformation

International Volunteering has played a role in post-conflict zones, in disaster relief, as an alternative diplomacy during the Cold War, and of course in activism and community development. Some CCIVS members were actively involved in political movements in Western Europe, campaigning for nuclear disarmament, for human rights and against apartheid and occupation.

CCIVS has a long history of solidarity with the Palestinian People, many projects and actions have been developed with our members in Palestine. The website below provides an overview of recent work and includes important resources.

Palestine Solidarity ⬆