Members and Affiliated Organisations

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The CCIVS Constitution foresees four types of membership:

Full member:

Any CCIVS candidate member wishing to become a full member may apply to the General Assembly for full membership after having completed a minimum of 1 year of candidate membership. (Cf. Art 5.2 of CCIVS constitution). 

Candidate organisation:

Any nonprofit organisation whose activities and objectives are consistent with those listed in Chapter 1 of the CCIVS Constitution and which is actively involved in International Voluntary Service and/or the coordination of it, may apply for candidate membership of CCIVS. Following a decision of the GA they may immediately be accepted as a full member. (Cf. Art 5.1 of CCIVS constitution). 

Affiliated organisation:

Any organisation which holds membership within an international/regional network which is a full member of CCIVS is considered an affiliated organisation. (Cf. Art 5.3 of CCIVS constitution). 

CCIVS Supporters:

Any organisation or individual that does not fit the above criteria but wishes to support and remain in regular contact with CCIVS can become a “supporter”. (Cf. Art 5.4 of CCIVS constitution).