Exchange and Cooperation for a Living Earth
2024 – 2027

A multi-network, transcontinental collaboration aimed at supporting digital inclusion among IVS organisations in Sub-Saharan Africa so that more young people have access to high quality virtual intercultural exchanges and are part of a global community of learning working
together for social and climate justice.


● Support high-quality, inclusive, and sustainable cooperation among youth organisations in the consortium
● Build capacity of youth workers in the IVS sector on developing, facilitating, and evaluating virtual exchanges with an inclusive and participatory approach.
● Use digital, youth-friendly technologies to encourage intercultural dialogue, enhance critical thinking, foster digital skills and empower the voices of youth stakeholders in the IVS movement.
● Strengthen the promotion of virtual exchanges as complement to physical mobilities, as well as an outlet for the promotion of common values.


● 2-month blended Training for Mentors, Peer Supervision,
● 4 cohorts of Earth Advocacy Mentorship Virtual Exchange,
● Online Advocacy Actions or Local Community Actions,
● Monitoring and Evaluation,
● Virtual Dialogues to disseminate,
● Youth to join advisory/ decision-making structures of major IVS networks.


● Good practices map,
● Minimal standards for virtual volunteering, 
● Mentorship curriculum handbook and toolkit,
●Online course,
● Newsletters.

Directly benefiting:

● 2000 Virtual Exchange pax, 
● 25 youth workers,
● 10 IVS organisations, 
● 32 local communities in Sub-Saharan Africa.

Indirectly benefitting:

● 10,000 young volunteers,
● 500 youth workers, 
● 200 IVS organisations, 
● Hosting communities in 96 countries.

By using this opportunity to disseminate our Living Earth awareness raising campaign and empower youth climate action, while including young people with fewer opportunities from least developed and migration priority countries, the environmental movement benefits from strong mentorship, diverse participation and empowered youth voices.